Preparing for the holidays: skin rejuvenation at home

skin rejuvenation with an ice cube

The closer the holidays are, the more worries and troubles women have: to do general cleaning, to buy presents, to think about the menu, to buy groceries.

And yet, in all these troubles, one must not forget about a loved one. On holidays, every woman is simply obliged to look flawless. Of course, beauty salons always hospitably open their doors to us. Professionals can do an excellent job with assigned tasks, but it takes time and money.

Since not everyone has enough of both, some salon procedures can be done on their own. For example, you can conduct anti-aging cryotherapy sessions at home using cosmetic ice, which is very easy to prepare.

The complex effect of cold on the skin is used successfully for medical and cosmetic purposes. Receptors react to cold - first the blood vessels narrow, and after a while (when the ice stimulus is removed) they dilate. As a result, the blood supply increases, the tone of the facial muscles increases and the skin becomes taut and fresh, the peeling disappears, wrinkles are smoothed.

As a result, after a two-week procedure for rejuvenation with cosmetic ice, we will get just a gorgeous result - healthy, toned skin. In general, by spending a minimum of money and time, you can prepare your beautiful face for the upcoming holidays.

For the skin rejuvenation procedure you need to make three types of ice. Each of them is preparing for a certain stage.

  • The first stage is cleansing and toning
  • The second stage is skin nutrition
  • The third stage is lifting and nourishing the skin of the eyelids

Preparation of three types of cosmetic ice

Red ice for the first stage - cleansing and toning the skin


Freshly squeezed cranberry juice 100 ml (strain), aloe juice 2 teaspoons (strain), purified or non-carbonated mineral water 100 ml.

The acidity of cranberry juice perfectly cleanses the skin (peeling fruit), tightens pores, blocks enzymes that destroy collagen, without which the skin loses its elasticity. Aloe is an antiseptic with healing properties, contains allantoin - a conductor of nutrients.

Mix everything and pour it into ice cube trays.

Yellow ice for the second stage - rejuvenation, nourishment and smoothing of wrinkles on the face and neck


Infusion of linden flowers (1 tbsp. Spoon pour 1 tbsp. Boiling water, cool and strain).

Sea buckthorn oil 1 teaspoon, 3 drops of myrrh essential oil.

The infusion of linden relieves irritation, and sea buckthorn oil, a storehouse of omega-3, -6, -9 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are an excellent nourishing agent for the skin, makes it taut, supple and elastic. Myrrh is a component for rejuvenating nutrition, moisturizing and aromatherapy.

Mix the warm infusion of linden with sea buckthorn oil and myrrh, pour into molds.

White ice for the third stage - eyelid care, rejuvenation and removal of fine wrinkles around the eyes

100 ml of green tea (1 teaspoon per 1 tablespoon. Boiling water, drain, cool), 100 g of milk (not skimmed), 5 drops of olive oil.

Add milk and olive oil to the strained hot tea, stir, pour into ice cube trays. Once the mixture has cooled, place the molds in the freezer and when the cubes are completely frozen, they are ready to use.

The rejuvenation procedure is performed on cleansed skin with a light stroke. The movements are not massaging, but simply lubricating, from the center to the periphery of the face and from the bottom up the neck. All three cubes are included in one procedure. You need to use in a row without waiting for it to dry. Conduct sessions for 5 days and repeat after 3 days.

The result of these simple procedures will be what is called "the face" in the literal and figurative sense, and, no doubt, it will make you happy. Well, the money saved at the same time, on the eve of the holidays, can always be used for good.