Herbs for wrinkles

The first signs of aging are fine lines or deep wrinkles and sagging skin. This is due to the fact that over time, collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, is produced in smaller quantities.

You can fight wrinkles with the help of special cosmetics. Along with cosmetic skin care treatments, you can use anti-wrinkle facial herbs.

Types of herbs used in home cosmetics

The following herbs can be successfully used to prepare anti-wrinkle cosmetics at home:

  1. Aloe. A simple and affordable medicine that can be grown at home on the windowsill. Aloe is one of the best anti-aging skin care plants that naturally increases collagen levels.
  2. Parsley. Another affordable product successfully used in anti-aging skin care. Parsley is rich in vitamin C, which is responsible for the production of natural collagen.
  3. Green tea. It is the best natural product designed to take care of skin aging symptoms. Green tea tightens, nourishes and tones the skin, restores elasticity, smoothes wrinkles. Green tea is known to be full of antioxidants that slow down the skin aging process by scavenging free radicals.
  4. Common mullet, popularly also called bear's ear, royal candle.This herb not only effectively smoothes wrinkles and tightens loose skin, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect, destroys infections and bacteria.
  5. Witch hazel or witch hazel.It is one of the best herbs for wrinkles that has an astringent effect and helps tighten the skin.
  6. clover. The leaves of this plant have a powerful astringent effect that helps tighten the skin. Clover products can be consumed internally in the form of tea, and can also be used as a component in the preparation of washing tonics and anti-aging masks.

When choosing an anti-wrinkle herb for your face, consider your skin type. For those with dry skin, it is recommended to use:

  • parsley and dill;
  • yarrow;
  • dandelion;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • rose petals, rosemary.

If your skin is oily, it is better to choose the following anti-wrinkle herbs:

  • burdock;
  • nettles;
  • sage;
  • under white;
  • series.

When caring for problematic skin, it is important to consider the anti-inflammatory properties of plants:

  • green tea;
  • aloe;
  • calendula;
  • yellow flowers.

Of course, this is not the entire list of herbs for facial wrinkles. But even this minimum is enough to provide your skin with healthy and proper care.

Herbs that can rejuvenate facial skin

Herbal recipes

Over the years, women have collected many useful recipes for anti-wrinkle products. It is more reasonable to buy herbs in pharmacies, only in this case you can have confidence in their naturalness and safety.

Recipes for masks

A mask prepared at home should be used immediately, as even short-term storage will have a detrimental effect on the beneficial properties of the products.

Before the mask procedure, the face and neck must be steamed so that all useful components penetrate through the enlarged pores.

The cosmetic mask does not require intensive rubbing into the skin, the product should be applied with light movements of the fingers.

Rejuvenating mask with nettle and honey

Fresh nettle leaves are carefully chopped, preserving the juice of the plant if possible. Mix the resulting juicy mass with melted honey in equal parts. Apply the mask, maintaining the composition on the face is strictly limited to 10 minutes. The irritating properties of nettle can cause slight redness of the skin.

Face mask with parsley

You must take:

  • a bunch of fresh parsley leaves;
  • a tablespoon of lemon and orange juice;
  • a spoonful of honey.

All ingredients are placed in a blender and mixed until a paste is obtained.

Apply a paste of parsley on the eyes, face and neck for 20 minutes.

Anti-aging mask with aloe

In this case you will need:

  • a tablespoon of crushed aloe pulp with juice;
  • vitamin E - capsule.

Mix aloe and vitamin E and apply the mixture on the problem areas. Leave the mask on for about 15-20 minutes, then rinse your face with a warm herbal infusion.

Herbal face wash

The desired effect in combating the signs of skin aging can be achieved by daily face washing with herbal decoctions.

In addition, by washing you can achieve several results at once:

  • cleaning from sweat and fatty secretions, particles of dust and dirt;
  • acne removal, inflammation relief, pore narrowing;
  • tone the skin.

What you need to know about the preparation and use of washing toner:

  • prepare the product with water or alcohol: the water tonic is stored no more than two days, the alcohol tonic - up to two weeks;
  • use herbs: chamomile, sage, parsley, celandine, nettle, St. John's wort, green tea;
  • natural vegetable juices - aloe, citrus fruits, cucumber;
  • the tonic should not be washed off;
  • Use the product every day in the evening and in the morning.

Recipes with ice

The short contact of the ice with the epidermis is very useful: it stimulates blood flow to the cells by dilating the blood vessels. As a result, the metabolism in the cells increases and they are renewed faster. All this slows down the drying process. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the face looks fresh and healthy.

To make the procedure safe, you should follow these small recommendations:

  • hold the cube with a paper napkin so as not to freeze your fingers, and treat the skin quickly, without staying in one place for more than a few seconds;
  • start cooling the skin from the chin, moving to the ears, nose and forehead;
  • repeat the procedure several times and do not wipe your face afterwards;
  • 15 minutes after use, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Parsley ice cubes

A bunch of parsley is finely chopped and poured with a glass of boiling water. Put on low heat and let the broth simmer for about 15 minutes. Cool, strain and pour into molds. You can use fresh parsley chopped in a blender.

From aloe

To prepare, cut a leaf from the plant and put it in the refrigerator for a week. Then squeeze the juice and brew chamomile infusion.

To do this, pour a tablespoon of herbs with half a cup of boiling water and let it brew for about an hour. Strain and mix the stock with the juice one to one. Freeze and use daily.